Things You Should be Knowing About Diamond Clarity

 Bridal Ring Sets
Important Diamond Facts

The clarity of a diamond is regarded as the correlative absence of blemishes and inclusions in diamonds. While selecting a diamond, it is very important to know about the four C’s quality factor as it greatly affects the beauty and value of the diamond. Here are some tips on diamond clarity that can help you make smart choices of diamonds, especially if you are looking to buy bridal ring sets. 

Blemishes and inclusions of a diamond are not regarded as flaws

Clarity of a diamond is among the four Cs of a diamond, the others being carat, cut, and color. It plays a major role in deciding the overall beauty and value of the stone. It usually refers to the blemishes on the surface of the stone and also the inclusions in the diamond. 

Blemishes and inclusions in a diamond can be the result of its formation, which can be mostly due to the crystal structure, general wear, or the cutting, polishing or setting processes the diamond had undergone. The inclusions on a diamond can be enclosed within itself; they can also be extended into the stone from the surface whereas blemishes are confined only to the surface of the diamond. A 10x magnification is used to determine the clarity grade of a diamond stone. 

It is wrong if you are often hearing that the blemishes and inclusions of a diamond are flaws of a diamond. Most gemologists consider them as powerful tools which help identify diamonds. Inclusions in a diamond can often help separate natural diamonds from synthetic diamonds. Most of the diamonds also have a unique combination of blemishes and inclusions which acts like fingerprints giving an identity for every diamond. 

Less is more when it comes to diamond clarity 

Less is always considered more when it comes to clarity and diamond color. It is very rare to see diamonds with very few or no clarity characteristics; rarity makes the diamond more costly. Diamonds having very few or no visible characteristics of clarity when viewed under 10x magnification are regarded as “flawless diamonds”. The rarity of these diamonds will be such that jewelers might have seen these diamonds once or twice in their careers. 

Less expensive diamonds often have inclusions in them which can often be seen even with your naked eyes. Most of the faceted diamond stones usually fall between the two extremes which make the inclusions in them visible only with assisted eyes (using magnification). 

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